Published 7 Aug 2023

DUPR Pickleball Rating: What Is It & How Can I Find Out What Mine Is?

Learn what the DUPR pickleball rating system is, how the rating system works, what it can be used for, and how to find out what your own rating is.

DUPR Pickleball Rating: What Is It & How Can I Find Out What Mine Is?

Have you heard of the DUPR pickleball rating system? If you're new to the sport, it might be difficult to understand how it works. But don't worry! In this guide, we'll explain what a DUPR rating is, how the rating system works, what it can be used for, and how to find out what your own rating is.

What Is a DUPR Pickleball Rating?

DUPR (Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating) is a skill rating system used for pickleball players to measure their level of play in comparison to other players. It is used by a range of clubs, recreational players, and professional tours.It doesn't cost any money to get a DUPR rating, and all players, regardless of their age, gender, skill, or location are rated on the same scale, which ranges from 2.00 to 8.00. A player with a higher DUPR rating indicates a more skilled player, while a lower rating suggests a less experienced player.There are more than 30,000 pickleball players on the DUPR database. It's considered to be the most accurate rating system for pickleball, and it's the only universal system that takes into account all player results.

How Does the Rating System Work?

The DUPR pickleball rating system takes into account factors such as margin of victory, type of result, and outcome (win or loss) in order to calculate a player's rating. As the DUPR rating system can be self-assessed by players, it only requires a single match result to get an official DUPR rating. This makes it an accessible and easy way for players to get started with building their rating.Recreational self-posted scores will count less towards your rating than a score from club, league, or sanctioned tournament matches. For matches as part of a club, league, or tournament, a total of 0.10 rating points per match is up for grabs. And for recreational play, a maximum of 0.05 rating points are possible to win.If you beat an opponent who has a higher rating than you, this will increase your rating more than if your opponent is lower than you.

What Can This Rating Be Used For?

A DUPR rating can be used for a variety of purposes. For starters, it can enable players to find other players of similar skill levels to practice with or maybe even play some recreational matches with. It can also assist coaches in setting up group lessons, clinics, and camps for players at similar levels.Additionally, it can allow club, league, and tournament organizers to create more balanced and competitive matchups. And some leagues and tournaments will only be open to players with a DUPR rating within a certain range.

How Can I Find Out My DUPR Rating?

Whether you're a recreational player or a league pro, you can find out your DUPR pickleball rating. A rating is based on the following:

  • A novice is considered between 2.00 and 2.99
  • Intermediate level is considered between 3.00 and 3.99
  • Advanced level is considered between 4.00 and 4.99
  • Professional level is considered between 5.00 and 8.00

Pickleball players can receive a rating without even having to play in a tournament. This means that even if you’re new to pickleball, you can still get a rating by playing a single recreational match.If you've played in a pickleball tournament or league before, you may already have a player profile with your match results and a rating. You can then claim your account on the DUPR website. Or you can create a new account. Unrated players start out at 3.5 rating and move up and down according to their skill level.

Start Improving Your Game & Rating

If you're getting started playing pickleball at a club, league, or tournament level, it can be helpful understanding the DUPR rating system. Tracking your rating as you play more and more matches can help you get a better handle on how it works.At Bounce, you can search for pickleball playing opportunities based on your own skill level and rating. You can find local hitting partners, coaches putting on lessons, clinics, and camps, and amateur tournaments being run in partnership with DUPR!

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Ryan Van Winkle
Ryan Van WinkleCEO

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